For 22 Years Kavajecz has been Talking Fishing with local 4th Graders

Professional Walleye Angler, TV Fishing Show Host and Kaukauna, WI resident Keith Kavajecz enjoys sharing the fun of fishing with kids in local elementary schools. I fact, he’s been doing it for 22 years now!

It began when his oldest son, Tom, was in 4th grade at Chilton Elementary School in Chilton, WI. Then when Keith moved his family to Kaukauna in 1997, he added Victor Haen Elementary since that was where his other 2 boys were attending school. Shortly after that, Keith began adding other schools in the area, and now he speaks to 4th graders in 7 different elementary schools around the Fox Valley area.

Why 4th graders? “It’s an age that just seems to fit well with the message.” Says Keith, “The kids are old enough that I can hold their attention for 45 minutes or so pretty easily, and it just seems like a great age to get them introduced to fishing if they haven’t been already.”

Basically, Keith’s “seminar” to these youngsters consists of topics including, being a Pro Fisherman (stressing the importance of a good education as well as being a good angler), boating safety, simple skills to catch more fish, as well as concepts like “Catch & Release, including fishing for the sport, and not necessarily for “food”. The highlight of the presentation always seems to be the “Guess the Fish” contest where winners get hats from Bass Pro Shops or prizes from NPAA sponsors.

Keith concludes, “My boys are long grown up now, but I keep doing this because I really do enjoy it. In fact last year I did a seminar for my Grandson’s class … and I have a few more Grandkids coming up too, so I don’t see giving this up any time soon.”

Keith Kavajecz, of Kaukauna WI, is a professional walleye fisherman, specializing in tournament fishing and walleye fishing promotions. Keith is a “Legendary Angler” inductee into the National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame and one of the co-hosts of the popular The Next Bite TV show (now in its 11th season on air), airing on NBC Sports Network, WFN and Destination America networks. Keith has been a member of NPAA from its inception, and has served on its board in several capacities over the years. 

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