Chub Rigging for Deep Summer Walleyes

Mid-summer = deep water structure. Wow, we’re talking over-looked! Warm water can push the bait deep especially on waters holding smelt or other similar forage. Guess where the big walleyes will be? Check your contour maps or your mapping GPS unit for long points farthest out into the lake or reservoir. These points along with sunken islands are the best pieces of structure for deep exploration. Walleyes will be concentrated along the slopes and finger tips of these deep underwater fish magnets, and are easy to check with your locator. If you mark fish in depths from 30 to 70 feet deep don’t just ignore them…FISH THEM! Try using a ¾ oz Bottom Bouncer, 7 ft. snells, 1/0 live bait hooks like Ma Mustad Octopus Beak Fine Wire Hook, model #92604 in either Black Nickel or Red (this is one situation where red colored hooks can really pay off), and a 4 to 5 inch long creek chub, or other larger minnow. Slow troll with your bowmount electric to contact these fish, and when you mark a large concentration of fish on your locator, slow down and hover, keeping the bait dangling right in their faces. Using a long rod (at least 7 to 8 feet), will help get good hook sets in deep water. This is also a good scenario for using FireLine, because the line's superior sensitivity will help you feel bites.

When summer is in full swing, drop a big Creek Chub into the deepest reaches of your favorite walleye water … that's often where you'll find the big mammas hiding.

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