Mid Summer Mille Lacs Fish Location

Northwest Angle Jigging Cadence for Ice Walleyes

Move Out To Jig Pigs

Down and Out for Walleye

Icing Prime Time Walleyes

Santa Comes to Shanty Town

Artificial Soft Tails…The New Normal for Walleye Fishing

Is there a way to effectively troll when covering various depths?

What is the best way to successfully fish walleyes on a large river system?

What characteristics make a good spinning rod and reel outfit for walleye fishing?

What are the best baitcasting outfits for walleye fishing?

What water temperature is best for catching walleyes, and what tactics work at those temps?

So what’s the scoop on holographic colors for spinner blades?

How do I slow down my 40 hp motor to troll for walleyes?


How early in the spring can I start night fishing for walleyes?

What colors are best for walleyes and pike in stained water?

What’s the best color of spinner blade to use for walleyes?

Need help catching lake erie summer walleyes.

A question on jig color for deep water walleyes.

Can a person locate walleye while using their gas motor without spooking the fish?

Is the suspended bite a pattern you now look for on all the lakes you fish and how do you determine if it is a viable pattern?

During practice before a tournament how much do you reply on the camera to eliminate fish species?

How do you search out fish in the post spawn and early summer period on canadian shield lakes?

What are some good color and sizes of soft baits for catching walleyes in stained water in early spring?


How to set-up tip-ups for walleyes


When ice fishing for walleyes, when should I set tip-ups, and when should I concentrate on jigging?

I just got my first boat – where do I go from here to start catching walleyes?

How, if at all, does turn-over affect the walleyes?

What size ice rod and pound test line do you use to ice fish for walleyes?

What are the best ice fishing lures for jigging up walleyes?

What length and action of jigging rod works best for ice fishing walleyes?

What’s a good rod and reel combo for river jigging walleyes?

What line for trolling walleyes?

Weather’s affect on walleye feeding behavior?

What length and action of spinning rod and what line is best for live bait rigging walleyes?

What’s the rule-of-thumb for setting the drag on a reel used to jig big walleyes?

During a tough bite what type of numbers constitutes a pattern unfolding?

Stick ‘em in September

Rev Up Lazy Walleyes

Dominating the Dog Days Bite

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